Pauliceia parnasiana: Mário de Andrade leitor e poeta nas margens de Baptista Cepellos



The dialogue of Mário de Andrade with the Parnassians, Brazilian and French, to be accompanied or decoded in his library, in his matrices and in his margins, offers a fresh encouragement to the study of his poetry. The marks of the modern city in "Pauliceia Desvairada", the invitation to contemplation, in the "Rito do Irmão Pequeno" and the river, in "A Meditacão Sobre oTietê" gain new and significant dimensions when we look at the latency of these themes, of certain constructions and even the vocabulary choices in his reading in "Os Bandeirantes", by Baptista Cepellos, a work in which the Parnassian also counts as a pre-modernist.



How to Cite

Kimori, L. (2018). Pauliceia parnasiana: Mário de Andrade leitor e poeta nas margens de Baptista Cepellos. ELyra, (12), 97–111. Retrieved from