Espelho de Narciso ou de Oxum? A poesia erótica negro-brasileira antologizada


  • Claudicélio Rodrigues da Silva Universidade Federal do Ceará


This article discusses the representation of sexuality and eroticism in the poetry made by black Brazilian writers, having the anthology Pretumel de chama e gozo (2015), organized by Cuti and Akins Kintê, as its subject of study. What’s the point of producing a black erotic writing when the conservative and excludent political environment demands from black activism the fight for racial equality and black people’s insertion in several social instances? Isn’t eroticism in the service of violence and sexual exploitation of black bodies? How is it possible to think about a different kind of eroticism, that mitigates the stigma inherited from a slave society? The discussion undertaken here wants to point to investigative routes in black authorship eroticism more than answer the questions above.



How to Cite

Rodrigues da Silva, C. (2020). Espelho de Narciso ou de Oxum? A poesia erótica negro-brasileira antologizada. ELyra, (16), 89–105. Retrieved from